Here’s a link to Dr. Pusterla’s discussion about the benefits of having a biosecurity program at your practice, specifically for environmental monitoring of Salmonella.
This was taken from an AAEP 2020 virtual showcase session. Thanks Dr. Pusterla for your insights and guidance on how molecular testing can benefit vets in the clinical decision-making process!
Environmental Salmonella is our first test which will be closely followed by reagents for EHV-1 and S. equi equi. See development process and pipeline below.

An important message from Fluxergy:
Fluxergy is here to give equine veterinarians a better in-house laboratory tool for taking care of their patients and clients. We are bringing the first integrated PCR and protein testing system that equine veterinarians can use at their practice or facility to diagnose their patients for burdensome infectious diseases and other parameters that can give a clinician more information near the patient. Currently, even in the best case, veterinarians are limited to a 1-day turnaround for $150 infectious disease panels which force broad-spectrum approaches to therapeutics. Further, current lab costs are prohibitive for preventative screening and their timeline for getting results back have created challenges when it comes to making a differential diagnosis for treatment.
Our goal from the start has always been to increase accessibility to health testing whether for healthcare in low- and middle-income countries or from a one health perspective including animals and the environment. When we decided to apply our technology that we initially developed to the equine industry, the veterinarians that we spoke to were really excited about it and understood its potential impact. Their excitement, knowledge base and dedication are what drive our commitment to developing and expanding in this area.
We are looking forward to launching our multimodal platform for equine use and we appreciate your continued patience as we scale and expand our infrastructure, quality systems, and ability to support our customers. Our goal with each clinical laboratory PCR product for infectious disease is to meet specifications set by USDA 800.73 which governs the test kits intended to detect animal disease or immunological status. All additional products will be produced according to ISO 13485 criteria for quality as a medical device manufacturer.
Starting at the end of the summer we are going to be launching our system to a variety of veterinary hospitals around the world – the US, Canada, Europe, The Middle East and Australia to start. The vision for Fluxergy is long term and will take time to visualize the multimodal potential but we are committed to making a lasting impact in the equine industry. The goal is to build many more tests for syndromic and situational testing. Working with the best veterinarians in the industry so that we can make sure we have the most comprehensive tests and getting all their input for what we develop will be critical to improving the current standard.
Please contact us to discuss future applications i.e., Reproductive health, mobile testing, wellness, vector-borne diseases, and gut health. We value our long time and new partners, and this will be a journey that we embark on together. Fluxergy started with and is committed to equine.