ADLM Webinar - How the Pandemic Changed Our Laboratory and Health System’s Perspective on Point-of-Care Testing

The COVID-19 Pandemic brought point-of-care (POC) PCR testing to the general public's consciousness. Opinions on POC PCR were also changing behind the scenes within the laboratory and health system communities. In this webinar moderated by Leslie J. Donato (PhD, DABCC), Brad S Karon (MD, PhD, FAACC, FCAP), Omai Garner (PhD, D(ABMM)), and Alagarraju Muthukumar (PhD, DABCC) discuss their shifting perspectives on POC testing and how their labs have adapted to utilize more of this technology. Fluxergy's contributions to COVID point-of-care research are used as a case study of technological innovation during this period.
This webinar was originally live cast on June 7, 2023.